12 Effective Natural Remedies for Insomnia in a Child

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By Anna Marikar

Let’s get into something that touches many of our lives: helping our little ones get the peaceful, restful sleep they need. We all know how challenging it can be when our children struggle with sleep issues, but before you think about sleep medication, let’s talk about some natural sleep aids and lifestyle habits that might just do the trick. 

Navigating the nighttime needs of our little ones can feel like solving a complex puzzle. Especially when sleep problems arise, it’s common to feel overwhelmed and unsure about the best way to help. Here at CrunchyFamily.com, we advocate for exploring natural sleep remedies and simple lifestyle changes first. 

crunchy ways to help your child sleep

These methods are not only gentle but often incredibly effective, avoiding the potential side effects associated with prescription drugs and over-the-counter sleep aids.

Helping improve your child’s sleep can have a huge impact on their overall wellbeing too. Think about when you’re over tired yourself – normally we have a harder time with emotional regulation at that time, so no wonder kids behaviour can also be affected when they are over tired and in need of some consistent sleep. 

Table of Contents

Natural Ways to Help Kids Get a Good Night Sleep

Discover gentle, effective strategies rooted in nature to help your child drift off easier and enjoy deeper, more restorative sleep.

Every child is unique, and this extends to their sleep requirements as well. Depending on their age, some children may need more hours of sleep than others to function optimally during the day.

It’s also important to recognize that individual differences play a role; what constitutes enough sleep for one child might not be sufficient for another. Observing and respecting these personal needs for more or much sleep can help tailor bedtime routines that align better with each child’s natural rhythms.

natural remedies for insomnia in kids

Although all kids are different, some combination of these methods should help for your child, from toddlers and preschoolers all the way up to older kids and teens. Sleep is just as important even when they hit the teenager stage!

Foods that Promote Sleep

Explore how certain foods can naturally enhance your child’s sleep quality, making bedtime a smooth and serene experience. Finding sleep inducing foods that work well for your family is such an easy way to get better sleep, by naturally incorporating these into the diet so don’t overlook these possibilities. 

Instead of turning to melatonin supplements, you can incorporate foods naturally rich in melatonin into your child’s diet to promote better sleep.

Cherries, especially tart cherries, are well-known for their high melatonin content. Other melatonin-rich foods include grapes, nuts like almonds and walnuts, and seeds such as flaxseeds, sunflower seeds, and pumpkin seeds. These foods can naturally help regulate sleep cycles and improve sleep quality.


Did you know that cherries are not just delicious but also a natural source of melatonin, the hormone that controls our sleep-wake cycle? A small glass of cherry juice before bed can help signal to your child’s body that it’s time to wind down. 

Studies have shown that consuming cherry juice can improve sleep quality and duration, especially in children who have irregular sleep patterns. It’s a tasty and natural way to give your child a nudge towards dreamland. Plus, it’s a much yummier option than many alternatives!

cherries to help sleep


Bananas are fantastic too! They’re rich in magnesium and potassium, both of which help relax muscles and nerves and promote good heart rate and brain function—everything your child needs to drift off comfortably.

The magnesium and potassium in bananas help relax the muscles and nerves, reducing physical and mental stress before bedtime.

As a powerhouse of nutrients, bananas help by providing natural sugars, essential vitamins, and minerals that aid in relaxation. A banana before bed can help ensure your child gets enough sleep, promoting a healthier overall sleep routine.

girl sleeping

Milk and Honey

There’s a reason warm milk with honey has been a bedtime staple through the ages. but this age-old remedy is backed by science.

The combination of warm milk and honey helps stimulate the production of melatonin in the body, since Milk contains tryptophan, an amino acid that helps in melatonin production, aiding a good night’s sleep. Incorporating this into your child’s bedtime routine can make falling asleep easier and more comforting, making it a cherished nightly ritual.

Chamomile Tea

For older children, a warm cup of chamomile tea can be a soothing bedtime ritual. Chamomile is known for its calming effects, making it a popular choice among herbal teas for promoting sleep, and can help soothe your child into a sleepy state. It’s a gentle, herbal way to settle down for the night.

It’s especially beneficial for children who experience anxiety or restlessness at bedtime. A small cup of chamomile tea can provide enough relaxation to encourage sleep without the complexities of drug interactions or the concerns of long-term dependency.

The Sleep Environment

Learn about the importance of creating a tranquil and conducive sleep environment to support your child’s nighttime needs.

Environmental factors and good sleep hygiene can make a bigger difference than you’d think, so definitely investigate this and make sure you have a healthy sleep routine in place before considering medication. 

child sleeping


Co-sleeping is a tradition in many cultures and can be a comforting solution for children who experience insomnia due to anxiety or fear of being alone at night.

The presence of a parent or even a sibling can provide a sense of security that soothes those middle-of-the-night worries. Sharing a sleeping space, whether it’s having a child join the parental bed or siblings sharing a room, often leads to faster sleep times and less wakefulness throughout the night.

Related: Benefits Of Co Sleeping And How To Do It Safely

For some families, even the family pet sleeping in the room can make a child feel safer and more relaxed. Pets often provide companionship and comfort, which can significantly ease anxiety in young children and promote a better night’s sleep.

It’s important to consider each child’s individual needs and comfort levels with these arrangements, as what works wonderfully for one child might not be the best for another.

Embracing co-sleeping or shared sleeping arrangements can be a natural and effective way to address sleep disturbances linked to fears or anxiety. It fosters a bond among family members and creates a nurturing environment conducive to sleep. As always, ensuring that everyone has enough space and comfort is key to making co-sleeping work for your family.


Introducing lavender into the bedtime routine can work wonders. A few drops of lavender essential oil in a diffuser or even a dab on a pillow can fill the air with calming scents that enhance sleep quality. It’s like magic in a bottle!

girl in hammock with lavender

Lavender oil is one of the best essential oils for this, celebrated for its ability to enhance sleep quality through its calming and sedative properties. It’s effective in reducing sleep disturbances and lengthening total sleep time. Integrating lavender oil into the bedtime routine through aromatherapy or a pillow spray can create a tranquil environment conducive to sleep.

Related: Lavender Essential Oil Benefits And Uses

Black Out Blinds

Mimicking a starry night, even in the city, can be as simple as installing black-out blinds. These help keep the room dark and cue your child’s brain that it’s time to sleep, supporting their natural circadian rhythm. Darkness is a signal to the body that it’s time to produce melatonin, so these blinds can be really effective!

Installing black-out blinds can dramatically improve your child’s sleep by supporting the natural circadian rhythm. The darkness they provide mimics the natural setting our bodies expect at night, fostering melatonin production and making it easier for children to fall asleep and stay asleep.

girl sleeping in tent

Warm Bath

A warm bath before bedtime not only cleanses but also relaxes your child. It’s the perfect precursor to a night of good sleep. The rise and gradual fall in body temperature post-bath can prompt your child’s body to feel sleepy.

Enhancing your child’s bedtime routine with a warm bath can facilitate a quicker transition to sleep. The rise in body temperature, followed by a natural cool down post-bath, mimics the body’s normal temperature drop during sleep, signaling that it’s time to get some rest. It’s a perfect addition to any night routine for promoting a good night’s sleep.

Related: Lavender bath playdough


Magnesium, often referred to as the relaxation mineral, can be a key component in improving sleep. It helps to calm the nervous system and relax muscles.

Applying magnesium oil as a spray on the feet before bedtime can be an easy and effective way to absorb this essential nutrient, aiding in a quicker and smoother transition to sleep. You can also use magnesium supplements, if preferred but we like the spray. 

Of course, you can also get your magnesium through magnesium rich foods.

magnesium rich foods

Physical Exercise and Fresh Air

Regular physical activity and time spent outdoors not only improve physical health but are crucial for good sleep. Engaging in active play and spending time in nature can help tire out your child in a healthy way, promoting deeper and more restful sleep at night.

Related: Nature Activities for Kids

child sleeping outdoors

White Noise

Introducing white noise, such as the hum of a fan, can significantly improve sleep quality by masking disruptive sounds.

This steady, unobtrusive noise creates a calming atmosphere that can help lull your child to sleep and maintain a restful night, especially in noisy environments.

Limiting Blue Light Exposure

In our tech-savvy world, another simple yet effective lifestyle change is reducing evening screen time. Screens emit blue light, which can interrupt melatonin production. So, encourage activities like reading a book or drawing before bed instead of electronic devices like TV or tablets.

toddler sleeping in bed

Creating a consistent bedtime routine and ensuring the sleep environment is comfortable and calm are foundational to developing healthy sleep habits in children. Regular exercise and a diet rich in natural sleep-promoting foods can also greatly improve your child’s sleep quality leading to good sleep habits for the whole family. 

Remember that each child is unique and what works for one may not work for another. It’s always a good idea to keep in tune with your child’s needs and ask for help if the issues persist. Here’s to finding the perfect blend of comfort, calm, and care for your family’s nighttime routine.

As always, we’re not here to give medical advice, but to share the cozy, wholesome ways we’ve found to help our kids get the best sleep possible, based on our own experiences with our own families and communities. So, let’s keep sharing tips, experiences, and all the natural goodness that helps our families thrive. 

Together, let’s cherish these moments and help our children embrace a lifetime of healthy sleep habits.

natural remedies for children insomnia

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